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The Lizard Keeper's Handbook: From the Experts at Advanced Vivarium Systems
Philippe de Vosjoli
Taschenbuch: 208 Seiten Verlag: Advanced Vivarium Systems Inc.,U.S.; Auflage: Updated (Dezember 2007) Sprache: Englisch ISBN-10: 188277096X ISBN-13: 978-1882770960
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 Provides a tremendous amount of information for anyone from beginner to experienced breeder on just about everything needed to keep and breed insect-eating lizards. Includes selection, recommended lizards, sexing, quarantine, acclimation, housing, vivarium design, temperature, heating systems, feeding, lighting, humidity, handling, diseases and disorders, products and much more. Often reviewed as one of our finest titles and always a top seller. A library must. Includes information on selection and feeding, heating and cooling, vivarium design and more!
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