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Understanding Reptile Parasites
Roger J. Klingenberg
From the Experts at Advanced Vivarium Systems Taschenbuch: 200 Seiten Verlag: Advanced Vivarium Systems Inc.,U.S.; Auflage: 2 (Juni 2007) Sprache: Englisch ISBN-10: 1882770900 ISBN-13: 978-1882770908 Hier bei Amazon kaufen!
Although the mortality rate in captive reptiles has decreased significantly, parasitism remains the third leading cause of reptile death. In this newly updated edition, Roger J Klingenberg, DVM, presents essential information on preventing reptile parasites as well as treating your pet if it develops a problem. This guide details the symptoms of external parasites, such as mites and ticks, and internal parasites, such as Cryptosporidium and protozoa. With helpful lists and charts, "Understanding Reptile Parasites" pulls together all the useful information and presents it in a way that makes sense
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