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Exotic Animal Medicine: A Quick Reference Guide

Lance Jepson

Taschenbuch: 592 Seiten
Verlag: Saunders (W.B.) Co Ltd (18. Juni 2009)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0702028738
ISBN-13: 978-0702028731

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"Exotic Animal Medicine: A Quick Reference Guide" provides readily accessible, user-friendly information for veterinarians who do not have detailed knowledge of the majority of exotic pet species.

The book gives the key points on differential diagnoses and diagnostics, along with background information on a wide variety of exotic pets.

It is formatted so that, whether experienced with exotics or not, the clinician can at a glance: view the likely conditions to be encountered within that species or animal group; develop a potential differential diagnosis list quickly; initiate an investigational plan; and, view treatment regimes. Species covered include ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, pet rats, hamsters and other small rodents; parrots, budgerigars and related species, canaries, finches, toucans; lizards, snakes, tortoises and turtles, frogs, salamanders; pond fish, tropical freshwater fish and tropical marine fish.

With practical hints given on such topics as handling, nursing care and anaesthesia, "Exotic Animal Medicine" will also be invaluable to veterinary students, nurses and technicians around the world.

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