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BSAVA Manual of Reptiles
Girling, Simon Girling und Paul Raiti
Taschenbuch: 350 Seiten Verlag: Blackwell Pub Professional; Auflage: Second. (1. Mai 2004) Sprache: Englisch ISBN-10: 0905214757 ISBN-13: 978-0905214757 Hier bei Amazon kaufen!
Reptile Medicine has become significantly more sophisticated within the last decade, especially in anaesthesia, diagnostics, nutrition, surgery and therapeutics. With this in mind the eidtors have selected contributors whom they felt had superior expertise on a worldwide basis. Correct husbandry is of prime importance for reptile health; it is the starting point of the manual and is emphasized throughout. Neonatal care is an important addition in the light of widespread captive breeding programmes. Veterinary procedures are detailed in the second part of the manual, including clinical examination, non-invasive imaging, laboratory procedures, anaesthesia, surgery, therapeutics, and humane euthanasia and post-mortem examination. Included in this section are new chapters focusing on emergency care and endoscopy. Organ systems and their associated disorders are then discussed, with separate chapters devoted to parasitology and infectious diseases, where great advances in understanding have been made. Useful Appendices include a formulary, a table of differentials for presenting signs, and a protocol for handling venomous snakes and lizards.
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